Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Wrinkle In Time, 2003

(This poem is inspired by a young girl I met years ago during college)

A wrinkle in time is simply a lost memory,
my images fade from my new found remedy.
I'm lost in thought and all of my new found hope,
my bags are packed, I'm trying to learn to cope.
This life of mine is an endless circle of despair
I'm crying from the outside in, my heart longs to tare.
I reach out for a strand of hope, I weep yet my eyes feel dry,
vicious suicide wont help me now, I'm abused by him, just let me die.
I traipse around dragging my week corpse,
help me someone please, before my mind warps.
I gasp for air but all I can get is solid dirt,
my lungs wont expand, they only deepen with hurt.
My eye lids feel like led and my legs are now nonexistent,
I smoke my fears into a ball of persistence.
The sun's overcome by a black memory lost in time,
I feel like death, and I'm trying to fix the crime.
I'm invisible to all but myself, so once i've gone this wrinkle in time will bust,
lightning will hit my soul and my spirit will linger in the dust.

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